Donita's Daily Dose

By pondosakate

Cat on a Door

Princess loves to be up high and is an incredible jumper. To reach this height, she starts on top of the dresser. Her real object is to open the mirrored, ceiling-height closet door and jump to the top shelf of the closet.

The first weekend I had her, about four and a half years ago, I had left the closet door open, and she jumped over the door directly onto the boxes on the top shelf. Unfortunately, the boxes were only supported on one end, and she and the boxes tumbled to the floor. I knew then that this was no timid little pussycat. She has been challenging at times, but we've come to tolerate each other's bad habits, and we've developed a lasting bond.

It took a while to fall in love with her, but I did and I'm glad.

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