The fool on the hill

By mooncoin

Somnambulistic tendencies lead to happy bunnies.

Till has been off school today. She had a high temperature and a bad throat in the night and had one of her confusional arousals as I understand they are called. It's interesting and slightly alarming. We had to follow her downstairs, switch the telly on, switch it off, sit her on my knee, sit her on B's knee all the time while she had a look of fright and confusion on her face as she tried to articulate what she must have been dreaming. I'm sure many parents know the scene.
Arthur decided he was ill too. He was quiet at breakfast and eventually grabbed a crayon and wrote us a note: I find it hard to talk.
So he stayed off with a bad throat too. He seemed pretty noisy and in the pink for the rest off the day.
Strange that.

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