
By Mo

Dunbar drivers

One of the things I love about Dunbar is that it's still "small town" enough to ignore the Highway Code. Everyone gives way to everyone at roundabouts out of politeness. If you see a friend of a friend whilst driving down the High Street, it's perfectly OK to just stop in the middle of the road and exchange some pleasantries. If there aren't any parking spaces, just double park: no-one will mind. And the chances are it's at least 30 minutes till the next bus so what's the big deal if you park on a bus stop?

So it didn't surprise me to see driving like this at Winterfield Park tonight. Especially since Scott May's Daredevil Stunt Show was in town. I think this was one of the performers, but it may just have been someone who was running late because they stopped to let a seagull cross the road.

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