jeni and the beans

By themessymama


He's finally asleep.

What a day, I didn't feel well this morning, I have a cough and my nose gets blocked easily. Mummy puts some lovely smelling stuff on a muslin in our room though and it helps my nose. It's relaxing, I like it.

We went out to play this morning, mummy says it was the last one for AGES, what are we going to do? I will have to take mummy to the park, she gets bored so easily! It was great, there was lots of yummy food and there were air tunnels! They were so much fun! But I don't like it when other kids chase me, I didn't want to go in again after that. I found a phone and have called all my friends to plot plan what we are going to do to keep our mummies and daddies occupied over the next couple of weeks. Mummy was sitting next to me, but I don't think she understood. I'm very good at being difficult to understand by mummy although she's getting better.

I didn't want to go to sleep today! Everything was just too interesting, and it's hard to sleep anyway when you're not feeling so well. We went out in the buggy into town and went to the shops, and then we went to the cafe and I let mummy have some of my iced decaf mocha. I even let her drink it through my straw. Aren't I nice! I EVEN let her have one of the little cakes she bought for me. But I still didn't want to go to sleep. I had to wait for daddy to come home. We watched from the window and I pulled faces at a man who saw me and stuck his tongue out at me, and I waved at the little girls across the street, and eventually daddy came home. I love my daddy but I wanted mummy more today. I love it when daddy comes home, I do, but I just didn't feel well and was soooo tired after waiting ALL DAY for him to come home, that I think I must have fallen asleep just when daddy wanted to start making dinner. I woke up in bed and daddy came and got me but he didn't understand that I just wanted mummy :( Mummy and daddy gave me some supper and put some lovely cream on my skin, and then mummy cuddled up next to me. I really really really like mummy cuddling up next to me. She makes me feel secure, I know where I am when I'm with mummy. I love my mummy. I don't think I tell her enough.

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