Everyday is Red

By everydayisred


Friday night I got word that someone wants to interview me in the city N and are looking to relocate. Wee! I am excited. I will find out all the details tomorrow, and hopefully set-up something for this week.
I just told my parents that I am actively looking for work in our soon to be new location, they were happy and a little surprised. I am, too. We weren't supposed to do this until January. Anything can happen still. We shall see.
But it was nice to sit at the table with my parents, with N sitting across from me, and the two of us talking about OUR plans.

Despite having a post removed yesterday, I'm feeling better. I'm trying to be the better person these days and not let little things bother me, not that censorship is anything to overlook. But, like I have said before, I don't make the rules here.
I still had a lovely day.
Had breakfast with my sister. (I am going to be an aunt!)
Spent a lot of time with her and her significant other.
Took a long nap.
Watched college football.
Had greasy pizza with N.
Did an a.m. work-out that kicked my ass today, then picked-up the joint before my parents arrived.

And now here I am, replying to emails, writing this blip, getting ready to watch my new favorite HBO show and finish knitting an extra long scarf I have been working on. I love this new fall weather. Definitely knitting weather.

This blipping thing has just gotten very interesting.
There's so many talented photographers here, and just all around good people.
In fact, you never know just who you'll run into.

I'm all smiles at this moment.

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