My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

Aga Portraits

A great friend brought round an 'Aga Portrait' (tongue in cheek name) I did for his wife's 40th a few years ago.
He wanted to remind me that I could do my own thing not just colour in. It was very kind of him, my friends can point out the obvious at times, I think I might go back to doing a few. They were very popular. People liked all the everyday things left in them, not one of those scary lab shots that magazines are full of.
Do people every cook in those kitchens, put down a set of keys, a book, some homework?

So here is the painting I did 6 years ago. I think I became so absorbed in the swirls of copperplate that this line of my work just faded away. It has been good to be working with brushes all week. No measuring up, no fear of randomly putting in a letter, or leaving one out, or missing a number in a long sting of them on a share certificate.
Also, unlike a lot of my social calligraphy, the Aga can't suddenly decide not to come, or invite 4 more Aga's and a window or two at the last minute, as happens with seating plans and other aspects of hospitality.
I once had a Prince want me to change the names on two tables, as they were called into dinner. (Worst moment ever, No 6)

My friend has been good to put this under my nose, to even bring it to my house last night, just to do so.
I will not give up my Copperplate, I love doing it. But I will branch out once again, into the fluid colourful world of watercolour once more.
It is not 'Art', no way, they are just light fun sketches, but I did enjoy doing them. And people seem to be fond of them. It was great to see this old one again. I had almost forgotten doing it.

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