
By LadyFindhorn

Wet Wednesday

What a difference a day makes.
It takes a day like today to make me appreciate even more the loveliness of yesterday.

I did manage to scramble into my gym clothes in the semidarkness of a rain soaked morning and pedal off into the gloom to strut my stuff in the land of machines along with a few taxi drivers coming off their shifts.
The reason I know they are taxi drivers is that they seem to be the only people who can park their vehicles outside without getting ticketed.

Later in the morning, on my way to get a blip, the rain became even heavier and the pavements and roads were like mountain streams with water gushing out of down pipes from overloaded guttering and lying inches deep in any depressions in the roadway.
It was a foolhardy person who dared to walk at the edge of the pavement where the buses and cars travelling at speed through the lakes of water could soak you with a wave of water in an instant.
I arrived home with my trousers soaked to thigh level and my feet slopping about in my sodden trainers. Not a good feeling.

Daughter #3 and son-in-law arrived back from their mini break in Peebles in time to go shopping for warm and wet weather gear for their trip to the Stornoway music festival tomorrow.
I joined them as they headed for Kinnaird park noticing that the wet mist that had appeared as soon as the rain stopped had even managed to obscure the high rise flats in Craigmillar.
I think the least said about the weather they are likely to have in the Hebrides the better, don't you think?

Grandaughter Robynn arrives back from Holland tonight and everyone including Cairo boy departs tomorrow for Stornoway and Cornwall leaving his Lordship and me as sole occupants of the castle for a few days. Now that will seem quiet.

Meanwhile I look forward to a family meal tonight and some chat, accompanied by the finest wine from the cellar of his Lordship, served in the extremely large glasses bought the other day to maximise the intake quantity per serving.

I will post this blip before the effects of the wine take hold.

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