Bald Eagle

By JohnJD

Bridge Of Sighs

This being Bastille Day I thought that I would try and get a blip that had some connection. This was the best that I could do.

The little bridge in the photo is known as the Bridge of Sighs and it was built in 1793. It linked the Northgate goal with the chapel in the Bluecoat hospital. Condemned prisoners were taken via the bridge to the chapel to receive the last rites. It was considered too risky to take them by the road in case they escaped.

The bridge is now a Grade ll listed building.

I had planned to take the photo from the tow path below as it gives a better indication of the scale and the height of the bridge but I was unable to access that part of the path as it had been blocked off in both directions because the city walls were being repaired. A couple of workmen had abseiled down. I thought that the prisoners could have made good their escape if they had all those ropes and equipment.

En route to the Northgate I managed to capture two more rhinos in the series which you can see here, including one outside the Bluecoat hospital.

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