Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff


On a particularly foul day I had one of my urban grim shots of Grangemouth in the bag when I noticed this avenue of trees on my way to work. I grew up less than 200m from where I took this shot and can remember the council planting these trees. We used to play football on the patch of grass to the left and one day the pitch had been ruined by dozens of trees. Planting trees was probably one of the things the planners got right. This path is now part of a national cycle route. follow this and you'll eventually get to Edinburgh.Reverse and you'll eventually get to where I currently live.

I'm going to have to rethink how I shoot some of the crap the planners left us with. The trees are great. I might even have to think about colour.

Off to Reading in the deep south to see the outlaws. Hope the lurker can spring me for beer and photos. At least I'll get cake it's my birthday tomorrow.

It probably works best large.

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