Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot


In attempt to revive my blipping, I have resorted to grabbing my iPhone as I have, once again, misplaced my battery charger. I'm also suffering from blipping envy as a few of the people (from another site) who joined at the same time as me are now on their 100th and I am still on a lowly 30!! :D So, congratulations People Twitcher and Eternal Optimist!!

Sooo, here it has rained for a second successive day. The children had their swimming lessons (in the rain!) and I swam my daily kilometre, which I really missed yesterday. Now we're home, and the children are all snuggled up watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs for the 80,000th time. There is only one way to improve on that, and that's with the perfect snack.

Now, I'm off to find that battery charger so I can start blipping properly again!

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