Open Your Eyes and See

By OpenYourEyes

Sunshine after the rain

Well what a weather day!

About 7pm we had a storm in Bolton (work) i screamed at a customer cos i was so scared by the thunder and lightening. guess it didn't help i was sat on my own on my siode of the office! i was almost under my desk shaking!
I took the picture while i was in Wrap (there we no calls quing so not like i let anyone waiting)!

After the rain stoped the sky cleared and out of the opposite window there was a double rainbow, didn't get a pic as thought i'd get shot!

On the way home we decided to call in tesco (oldham) as we were going in i decided to put my coat on (good job!) as just as we got up the escalator to the clothes department, the storm found us 30 miles or so. its a fairly new tesco corrogated roof with thuder and lightening at the same time, the sound was deafening! we had to wait there for aout 40mins before we made the dash across the car park!

I wanna see the sunshine after the rain
I wanna see the sunshine after the rain
I wanna see blue birds flying over the mountains again
With the silver linings shining at the rainbow's end
I wanna see the sunshine after the rain
I wanna see blue birds flying over the mountains again
With the silver linings shining at the rainbow's end
I wanna see the sunshine after the rain
I wanna see blue birds flying over the mountains again
With the silver linings shining at the rainbow's end

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