a town called E.

By Eej

Way up yonder ...

I planted a few sunflower seeds at the long end of the veggie patch and they are now officially humongous. I had to zoom in to take this photo, and I'm about 6 feet tall. Which makes the sunflower about 8 feet. It's not in full bloom yet, so I may have to photograph it again :)

No news on the doggie. I was going to say she's behaving better already, but I apparantly blocked out the part where she escaped during my lunch and the Beloved dragging her ass back to the house.
We're trying not to get attached, but it's hard because she's so sweet and trusting. We're hoping that if her owner doesn't show someone else will step up to the plate and give her a good forever-home.
We've also left a description at the local pound/animal control, and wouldn't that be the first place you'd look if you were missing your dog? I know I would.

No news on the Beloved's job either.

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