Another Day

By pcc

Lamb Sweetbreads

Well this is not everybody's cup of tea - we are having Lamb sweetbreads for tea tonight.
They are from the neck/throat of a sheep, and when we were young we had them often as a meal in patties. They were cheap in those days, and as I am from a big family it was a good food option, and we loved them.
You do not see them in the shops very often to buy, and they are expensive now. I believe that they are exported as a delicacy.
It is quite a rigmarole to prepare them as you have to soak them in cold water for an hour, and then in fresh cold water slowly bring them to a simmer for 10 mins. Put back in cold water, and when cold take the skin off them. This is not easy to do, and I wonder what the restaurants do. This is them on the board after I have taken the skins off.
I will now make a batter and put them in it, and hopefully they will be delicious.
I will expect a few 'yuk' comments, or a no comment at all.
I was stuck for a 'blip' today - so this is the best I could do.
(Have been to the dentist this morning, two and a half hours in the chair, so one thumper of a headache the rest of the day, and probably a worse one when I get the bill)

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