oh, ngabwe

how it pains me to re-live this 'adventure'.

got home from zanzibar a couple of days ago with a very dodgy stomach, but i'll spare you the details. i thought it would be cleared up today in time for our trip to ngawe with lifeline. but no.

our journey to this river took about 6 hours most of which i was in agony and convinced i was dying of malaria. then we reached the river and found out that the pontoon which was going to take us and our vehicles over the river was not working because of the rains. so we unloaded all of our belongings, including sacks full of clothes and medication, into canoes to take us across a crocodile infested river.

once at the other side we were told that the chief's vehicle (the only vehicle on that side of the river) had flat batteries. thus, our boys went back across the river to take our batteries out. when they reached us, they then had to take the battery, by motorbike, to the chief.

so, we were huddled around by the riverside, trying to avoid mosquitoes, till well after dark. i was still feeling rough.

eventually, the truck arrived.

about 5 minutes into the journey we swerved suddenly to avoid a pothole, and the next thing we know, we're sinking into water at the side of the road. hideous. we got out and tried to push. nothing. then we unloaded all our belongings from the truck and tried to push again. nothing.

we realised that we were not going to be going anywhere that night.

so the night was spent on the road.


(just to rub it in, this time last year we were enjoying the luxury of barabdos!)

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