
By skaterg1rl

not much going on in my backyard after dark which can be photographed, the camera having voted for a day off forgotten in a drawer - a consequence of the way time folds between 8am (just out of shower, only getting dressed left to do, got loads of time) and 8.30am (blimey, we've got to go NOW. where has the last half hour gone?....)

the sun shone and the frost nipped our fingers on the way to school but we met a friendly teacher from g's old school and a colleague on the tube. cb2 took his dr who cards out the minute we got to the playground.

organised myself in the morning and got stuck in to getting some stuff done in the afternoon which was gratifying - even if it did involve accosting strangers and getting them to talk to me. but that's one of the things i'm good at. strange skill but at least i found a niche to use it in.

lovely walk in the sun, lovely swim in the pool, good nosey at the students looking chilled out, mellow journey back with the kids, helped by biscuits and crunchy apples.

thought about going to the pta but found the appeal of tickling my kids and lying in cb1's bed with her was too strong.

still looking for my blip mojo and the will to re-engage. i suspect it's the fact of a new adventure at work - spending all day engaging.

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