From Where One Stands

By cassandra

Beryl's Lament

I appear to be starting something of a theme with photos of the things I leave behind and/or will miss. This may or may not continue for the next week...

One of my early blips was of the piano in my classroom 'Beryl' and I said at the time that my move was bittersweet, and that she was one of the many things I would miss.

Fair enough.

But it seems that this feeling is reciprocated. It seems that 'Beryl' is going to miss me too...

She has stopped working. Or at least a little bit of her has. 2 of the dampeners are not dampening properly so the 2 notes that they are supposed to dampen just ring out indefinitely. G and E to be precise, pictured here.

It is nice to know that after 7 years in perfect working order, she is going to miss me playing her. And I almost cant bear to play her for the last few days as the ringing notes are driving me nuts... Maybe its too hard for her too...

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