Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman


One of the reasons for starting a blip journal was to make me try out different ideas, techniques and this blip is me doing that.

By default I'm drawn to and most comforatble with, taking photos of buildings and architectural features and whilst I really like the natural, candid shots of people that others can do, I just feel self-conscious and nervous that someone's going to shout "Oi! what are you doing?! Stop it!"

So, I figured that graduation was a good opportunity to try out general people-based photography as there are lots of people with cameras wandering around. I'd hoped to get some lovely, sunny photos of happy graduates and their families, but the rain scuppered me.

This graduate had just seen someone she knows in the building on the left and I love her happy expression.

I've also been experimental with the processing as unfortunately there were people stood behind and quite a busy background, so I've tried to make the people stand out a bit more from the background. I'm not sure it's worked, but it was worth a try.

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