Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot

The morning after the day before.

There are certain moments of a childhood that will become folklore within your own life. Yesterday, this little dude had one of those moments.

After spending much of the day perfecting his backflips for a dive competition, he decided to Really Go For It. Unfortunately, in Really Going For It, he smacked the back of his head on the dive board on the way down. Did you know head injuries bleed a lot? An awful lot?!

Luckily, all was good and he is fine, albeit a glued together scalp. However, he now has a very cool tale of ambulances and policemen on motorbikes and flashing lights and CT scans and lots and lots of blood. And, as his mother, I have another wrinkle and a load of damp, blood covered swimming towels to launder.

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