A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

My pet cockroach*

He doesn't have a name but this is a Madagascan Hissing Cockroach, don't you know. And that's my hand. Being all brave. Hissing cockroach because apparently they hiss like a snake whilst hidden in the undergrowth to fool potential predators into thinking they are actually a snake. Not sure whether that's really smart of them or really stupid of their predators. Still, neat trick.

Nursery class outing to a local-ish (if 40mins on a bus is local) park known as Bunny Park. We saw the bunny (I think she was called Gertie), apparently one of only four in Hanwell due to foxes. Gertie lived with a guinea-pig whose name escapes me. I was far more interested in the nameless cockroach, Gordon the giant millipede and Tango the bearded-dragon. Personally I don't think bunny rabbits and guinea-pigs can compete with that line-up. No matter how cute and fluffy.

After all that and a hearty picnic the grown-ups lay around chatting and the kids ran around playing. Glad we got that the right way round. All served very distracting and relaxing after a slightly annoying start to the morning that involved my bank card being cancelled for fraudulent activity which meant the online food shop may or may not turn up. I know they're generally trying to be helpful but there's something wrong with a process that doesn't let Carl pay for the food shop because I ordered it. What's the worst that can happen - I get free food? Anyway, breathe and walk away from the bureaucracy...

Kids have friends over for a playdate tonight so I am let off pretty much all parenting duties apart from providing a mountain of pizza at some point. Blip done, think I might sneak off for a read whilst it's cooking.

Happy Fridays!
Lesley x

*not really

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