Highland Tour Sir?

Him: "Interested in a tour of the highlands sir?"

Me: "Errr - no thanks, I've been a few times."

Me: "By the way, that's a great hat."

Him: "Thanks"

Me: "Can I take your picture?"

Him (nervously): "Sure..."

Me: "You might even appear online later. Unless I wander into someone wearing an even funkier hat around the corner"

Him: "Do I get a commission?"

Me: [laughs] "No - its just for my photoblog"

... and if you read this you'll see I didn't find any funkier hats!

And I handed out my first blip card in ages. Which was some achievement given that he was the one being paid to hand out leaflets :-)

And on a side note, today it is the tour companies and the restaurants. By the end of the month we'll be in full festival flyer mayhem.

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LOTD: Flick's perspective blip is great - and fab news too.

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