Open Your Eyes and See

By OpenYourEyes

Phoenix from the Flames

Well another last min blip but as i upgraded to full membership yesterday (after i'd blipped Doh!) and it said there was 100% chance i would blip today i thought i'd better keep to the deal!

i decided to play with the edit feature. i think i rushed into upgrading too soon before i've got truely comfortable with the site but i'm a sucker!

I decided to play with the edit features not sure if i like the effect but decided to upload it any way

And i'm determined to improve my photography, i want to ask my dad if i can borrow his Dsrl (err might have the ltrs the wrong way round but you know what i mean) camera he's not used it for ages (mainly cos its got a spek of something on the lens and even the superduper camera fixer man can't fin it so its be resinged to the bottom drawer. i'm not bothered by they it's just to practice. but he's a grump at the mo. continetal shifts do not suit him!!!

work tomorrow all day not impressed but hey ho

roll on 6pm tomorrow!

nighty night blippers

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