Always wondering who i am

By tiffani13

Beach Balls

Something a little different for you today - a candid observation.

Today (after i finished work) i went for a little walk through Bournemouth Gardens only to find the most bizarre activity going on.

A technology development company were showing off some funky new thing they had made. They had put sensors into the little stream in the water which measured any sort of disturnbance - this was then displayed on a large screen in dancing lights.

The thing is - they were getting people to create the smallest movements in the water by throwing beach balls into the stream. PEOPLE WERE GOING NUTS FOR THIS!!! (WHY????) They were actually waiting in line to throw a beach ball off a footbridge into the stream to make a few LEDs flash ... it seemed pretty weird to me as it was not that exciting at all really!!!

The technology is pretty useless too!!

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