Netters and co

By Netters


I havent really got a blip today, I have been busy taking photos for my daughters friend, who had her son christened today. This is him being held by a friend of mine. Its not one of the proper photos I just think he looks kind of sweet in the is one and its one of the few that arent posed GAH !! I hate posed photos with everyone looking rigid, still, its what his mum wanted, they are still nice, I just wanted to make them a bit different, but no one would dangle the child by one leg over the font for me. How unfun.

The baby did not cry, not once, all day, not a peep, he just did smiling and staring, Freya also behaved well in church, Charlie, well, charlie is a bit different, I tried to explain prior to the service that he needed to sit nicely and be quiet or God would get him but it didnt really work and God didnt get him, typical, He could have backed me up huh ? :)

Freya had many questions, "why is that man in a dress?" (vicar) "why is he putting water on the baby?" "who is the God and father?" "Can I eat this sausage or is it made of ears and bums ?"

Oh and my top tip today, dont ever run upstairs in a hurry in a maxi dress. Its impossible and it hurts

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