Manic MorFF's Pics

By manicmorff

Tile it all

Busy day today, so lacking in a bit of inspiration.

Went to get some shots of some bugs but the cool spider in centre his web absconded by the time I got the camera out and all the flying insets that were very much in evidence earlier today seem to have gone off to some kind of insect convention elsewhere.

That said, the busy day, and yesterday was all about DIY stuff.
Now that the garage conversion has finished, construction-wise at least, the tidy-up and decoration is about to commence. So a very expensive trip to B&Q and then some jobs for me.

So yesterday was fitting ceiling coving in the new room and today was stripping and re-tiling the splashback in the wee bathroom. Neither were massive jobs, but needed done ahead of the painting that starts tomorrow.

So, as this is a journal of sorts, here is the finished product, as if taken by a Liliputian with one leg shorter than the other.

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