david clunas

By davidclunas

these people of the air

'these people of the air,
these children of the wind,
had a sense of where to go and how,
how to go north north-by-west north,
till they came to one wooden pole,
till they were home again'

Carl Sandburg

Apparently this will be my 300th Blip post, so a big thank you for those of you that have subscribed, viewed and shared my past 300 days. As many of you know I am not a great one for writing against my posts, and have found it increasingly hard to keep up with the pace of commenting. So a special big thank you for those of you that do comment on a regular basis [ you know who you are ].

I'm going to back blip the weeks photos now, while I have some bandwidth, and will catch up with everyone when I am properly hooked up sometime next week.

Perhaps the challenge for me now should be to write more and photograph less - but there is so much more to learn....


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