beauty of the nature

By Hadi

a moment of sparrows life turns on stage!

they have a community just like us. they talk, they communicate, they fight, they laugh, they cry, they fall in love. and just the fact that we can't understand their communications does n't deny those facts! but maybe they understand our language and behavior, that might be why they can easily predict our actions. they're way faster than us, they might have a faster brain too. if the size is not relevant here!

the other day i saw two of them on the ground, i went toward them slowly with the camera in my hand. one of them said to the other 'jik jak jek jerk jaak jiki jerky!'
and based on his expression i think he meant 'here comes that monster with his rifle, let's get the hell out of here!'

it's our habit to underestimate other creatures!

this should be viewed large!

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