Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Confessions of a Bad Mother: Number Eight

I let Lyra drink SQUASH.

That's right people. You heard it correctly. This picture shows my daughter drinking that illicit substance. I'm sure the picture will be taken down as soon as somebody realises. It's reckless of me even to post it. I'll probably be arrested by the baby police by the end of the afternoon.

I'm sure some of you are thinking that it's okay. That incredibly expensive and perishable baby squash you can buy is probably just about okay... but no.... this is not that... this is ADULT SQUASH.

And boy does she love it. After all the difficulties we had failing to persuade Lyra to drink from a bottle I was none too sure about getting her to drink from a cup but she has taken to a it like a duck to water. She gets a little wet soaked to the skin on occasions but I'm pleased to say she is very able to help herself to a drink as and when she fancies it. She's been using a sippy cup a few days now and is already asking for less milk feeds during the afternoon - so she must just be thirsty!

I have been astounded by how much she can drink. Coupled with the vast quantities of food she consumes I wonder where she puts it all as she's only tiny.

Please don't tell the health visitor about the squash... it's really weak, and there's no sugar in it... honest gov!

Confessions of a Bad Mother: Number Seven

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