From the North

By Tawastian


Silly me. After 1,5 years of getting my current camera I discovered that I can choose Finnish as the language of my camera menu. Before that I have used it in English and German but it hasn't been a problem because I love languages. But hoh, my new camera will arrive this week! I can't say that my current camera has been a crappy one but the time to "evolve" has come.

About today... I've been sneezing all day long which is not very pleasant. I hope this flu saga will stop soon because it's dull to be sick in summer. It sucks. Really. I changed ice tea to hot tea today to relieve my throat.

In the end of this week we're going to visit our relatives' such-a-new cottage in Houtskär in the archipelago. I myself have never been there before but this'll be the time to visit their summer place finally. We need to catch many ferries to get there 'cause Houtskär lies so far from the mainland, almost in the sea area of Åland.

In this blip there's a little pink rose with white-bordered petals. A pretty one among the shabbier ones.

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