Welcome to Antartex Village

It was a bit of a rainy day today, so after a quick visit to the Loch Lomond shore, we went for a bit of a drive around. Having no idea what the Antartex Village actually was, we decided to go and investigate.

It turns out that it's in a similar vein to Dobbies et al, in that it seems to be some sort of Mecca for old people's coach trips wherein the groups of OAPs slowly circumnavigate the restaurant instead of the Kaaba, only with less plants and more naff tartan-y type stuff and "nick nacks". Still, the wee man was needing fed and changed, so we stopped and has lunch too. After a much overpriced chicken burger (deep fried breaded chopped-and-reformed chicken breast in a stale bun), it was time to make a hasty exit.

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