Socks, socks and more socks

I spent the best part of the day sorting out the laundry baskets. There was a basket in my wardrobe which had been untouched for months (it was probably shoved in there whilst tidying up). The other was in the corner of the bedroom. This morning, I thought enough is enough. I don't think I have ever seen so many pair-less socks. I once bought my daughter a five pack of coloured socks - a red, green, blue, orange and yellow. Today, there was only one of each. Where on Earth are the others? When I had finished, I threw all the odd pairs away and had a washing machine full of paired socks.
I put them on the washing line in pairs. This also took a long time as I had to rummage through the basket again looking for pairs.
So today's blip had to be a washing line full of socks. I did run out of pegs.

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