
No spectacular Blip this morning....
I was looking for something "Blippable" to end my nightshift with and ended up on the roof.
In the east I saw this; just before sunrise: looking over the Eems estuary.

In the west: plenty light and newbuilding activities at RWE (the huge towers and plenty light).
At the right in the back NUON is building their Magnum plant.
In the white tents the boiler sections are stored and preserved.
The newbuilding was obstructed for a long time while the boiler manufacturors were going on producing their part. So the boilerparts were too early at the site and had to be stored....

Just when I finished this Blip a demineralized water supplypipe at unit EC 20 was ripped apart, causing a nice waterballet...
Too late....
Unit is still running; no problem.

Good in LARGE...

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