
By cracker


Kaz went to Sydney today for a meeting so was out of the house at about 5am. Spence had daycare so I had the day to myself!! I had a list of things to do though so it wasn't all leisure time! One of the jobs was to get our tax stuff ready to do our tax return and another was to fill out forms to put my name on Spencer's birth certificate. The law changed at the beginning of this year to allow the non birth mother of a child to be listed as a parent on the birth certificate. Previous to that I was only there as an 'informant'! I have no idea what that actually meant, but now it is great I am properly recognised!

Bev came over this afternoon to see if I was alright after the little incident in the car on Monday, which was really lovely of her. She stayed for about an hour and we had a lovely chat! I showed her some of my photos I have taken with the new camera and she also came downstairs and looked at the new room we built. We are so lucky to have her and Joe as our neighbours. They are such lovely people.

I left a bit early to go and pick Spence up from daycare so I could hopefully find a blip for today! I ended up stopping at a driveway on the way to Warragul that I always see and wonder whether it would make a good photo. I see it and think that the driveway winding away and the dark green of the trees and the grass might look ok. It makes me wonder what is down the path! So I stopped today and took a couple of photos. The sun was getting lower and I managed to capture it coming through the trees.

I picked up Spence and then went and visited a friend, Debbie, who I used to play netball with. We stayed there for an hour and a half and Spence had a great time playing with Deb's husband and one of her daughters!

I'm back at work tomorrow and Friday for my day shifts and Spence is going to daycare both of those days too because Kaz has to work as well.

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