Northern Exposure

By Northern


Yes, you read that right... sunstroke in Orkney!

Despite today being a cold and pretty dreich day Campbell is suffering from mild sunstroke as a result of a long day out fishing yesterday in glorious sunshine.

He was equipped with sunblock and hat and copious amounts of water but the big ball of fire in the sky got him anyway (somehow I think maybe not enough of the water was drunk). He had a fabulous day messing about in a boat in Scapa Flow and came home with an armload of fish, happy as larry! However after midnight it all ended up in a fever and an impressive amount of vomit (sorry, too much detail!).

Campbell's day has been spent feeling very sorry for himself and consuming lots of fluids. So I had to recruit his brother as my life turns model. Not quite sure if we've go the position right but we'll give it another go tomorrow.

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