Bald Eagle

By JohnJD

Just Saying

This billboard caught my eye today and just as I was shooting this chap walked into the shot. No worries I thought I will take another. When I downloaded them I thought that the one with the figure in it was more interesting so I have posted that one. Shame that I didn't get him all in the photo and going in the other direction as it would have been a great shot for life.turns.

It was the wording of the poster which caught my eye and made me think of that old football cliche - form is temporary, class is permanent - can you think of anyother similar sayings?

Thanks for all the kind comments about the series of rhino blips and for those of you who might be missing your daily fix here are a couple more I captured today. I have been challenged to try and shot the rhino from a different perspective or to give their location some context so I will try and do that with the remaining ones.

Some of you have asked for more information about the rhinos, you can find out all about rhino mania here.

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