Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

synthetic sunset........

while on my way back with the dog tonight, pondering what tonight s blip would be, i suddenly looked up and saw this. i really did think it was quite impressive.............but i couldn't help thinking about all the poisons in the air that were helping to create such a beautiful evening sky. sad i know but true.................ok for a quick and early blip for me it's taken fifteen minutes to get this far.....my darling 3 year old is having her first grown up shower as i type...she has avoided it so far, prefering to flood out the bathroom with her usual baths....so at the moment my wife to be and daughter are fighting over space in the cubicle....it would be quite entertaining if i wasn't so concerened about them breaking the door...or worse.
anyway back to the blip...... lets hear it for air pollution and global warming for providing such a pleasant site tonight

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