Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot


Jeeze, I've struggled with Blip today. I really wanted to do something I was proud of, and it just hasn't worked. I took some great shots of my daughter twirling around in my favourite high heels, but on reflection, putting them into the public arena seemed a little too Lolita-esque. I took some great shots of my 2nd son and his bff, but BFF's Mum was not particularly keen on them being put on Blip. Which leaves me with a last minute shot of Toby (again! Thank the Lord for the last born child, always willing to have his photo taken!!) and even he, my easy to photograph baby, looks slightly psychotic in this one. :D

So, the moral of the story appears to be, don't try too hard because it REALLY doesn't pay off... ;)

ETA The irony is that there is now a pretty impressive storm going on, and my camera battery is flat again!!!

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