Watching. Waiting. Thinking...

thefutureMrswingpig:"What do you want to do this weekend?"
wp:"Hadn't really thought. Fancy going to a beach?"
tfMrswp:"Won't it be a bit cold?"
wp:"Yeah, but it's still a beach."
tfMrswp:"What about heading into the Pentlands?"
wp:"Do we still have that book with the routes of popular walks in?"
tfMrswp:"Yes, it's in the bathroom. We could go for a walk then go to that pub that's supposed to be good."
wp:"Arr. You'll need a new coat though."
wp:"That one you have isn't properly waterproof."
tfMrswp:"If it's raining that much we won't go. Can you look up the weather?"
wp:"Cloudy with rain both days."

Two rainy days of weekend carry an awfully high risk of flat-cleaning. I'll have to think quickly.

At least she did eventually get round to buying some new (proper) walking boots after her previous rubbishy fabric things failed even to keep out the small amount of moisture clinging to some wet grass near Tyndrum a couple of years ago. I'm not particularly a coaty person but as a cyclist and trundler I appreciate the usefulness of owning at least one fully waterproof item which can luckily double as a stylish snowboarding coat with a couple of base layers beneath it. Despite owning at least five coats or coat-equivalents Nicky only owns one pretend walking/cycling coat which (as mentioned) isn't really waterproof and appears to be unpleasantly unbreathable. It's when you get picky and demand a coat which is waterproof and breathable and not standard cyclist-coat-blue or cyclist-coat-yellow but preferably green though still vaguely cyclist-friendly-visible that you hit the impenetrable wall of retail insufficiency. Unless you count the one she saw in May but didn't buy as it was nice and sunny that week.

The other day I remember thinking whether or not to do anything to commemorate the anniversary of the commencement of the crappyphonecam period. In no time at all it's suddenly the anniversary of the end. Even adjusting for the fact that time does seem to speed up the older one gets those three weeks went by one hell of a lot more quickly this year than they did last year.

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