Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra


Upon learning that I was planning on giving Lyra's baby gym away to her young friend Kyri, Lyra staged a protest, chaining herself to the jungle gym bars and refusing to let go. This toy, which has been deemed uninteresting and packed away for quite some time, was suddenly THE most exciting toy on earth.

Lyra got a lot of enjoyment out of it when she was smaller (I find her barely recognisable in that link), and there was a tiny part of me that was very sad to finally say goodbye to it as it means admitting that Lyra's baby days are really over.

When we went to see 4 week old Kyri to deliver the booty I found myself surprised at how tiny and helpless he was - and felt that wonderful though Lyra's infant days were, I am so happy and excited to see her learning new things every day and rapidly developing a feisty, determined and cheeky personality.

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