Neil Turns...

Maybe I should go through all members and associated connections to my high school band for these life.turns entries as this is Neil who was the lead guitarist in the band for which Dangerous Al was the manager.

I've known Neil since about 5th year at school when he and fellow year mate, Riggsy (bass player) joined our merry band.

I always remember Neil bringing a musical elegance to our songs taking us from a raw punky sound to a more melodic tuneful sound. He had an old guitar which he butchered and cut up to make his signature model guitar, the AndoCaster (a take on his surname and the Fender Jazzmaster guitar).

Since school our we don't see each other all that often as 2 kids each allow but it is always great catching up and Neil is a snowboarding kindered spirit with whom I occasionally share a day of snowsports with when schedules allow.

I met up with Jamie(singer in the band) and Neil today for lunch and of the two I thought Neil would be less amenable to my stance request but he strutted right up and needed very little direction or explanation to get this. Thanks Neil. Jamie, I'll get you next time if you would be so kind.

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