
for subjecting my fellow blippers to this one, but I had very little time to think about a proper blip today. Unfortunately, I must submit this as the only shot I took today. Normally, I wouldn't document such an ugly creature, yet I felt compelled because my sweetheart just would not believe the size of this tick based on two eye-witness accounts (his own children, even!) and my verbal description. This tick was the size of a marble, and if you look closely, there is another tick at normal size. These guys were drilling in the same spot at the base of our dog Hannah's neck and gave me the heebeegeebees trying to pluck them out intact, no less. It was especially challenging wrestling with the dog at the same time. This served as a reminder to myself that it was my husband's idea to get these dogs.

After the removal, we treated it with the same caution as discarding nuclear waste. We wrapped it in a few rolls of tissue, set it on fire, and flushed it down the toilet. Only kidding on the fire part. Yuck!

Thanks for letting me share.

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