Open Your Eyes and See

By OpenYourEyes

Lunch Time

Lunch time should be a nice time, a time to chill out, eat, chat. half way through the working day.

At my work we have to have our lunch when we are schedualed, we get no say (or very little - tantrums sometimes work) mine today was 13.30 i had no one to have lunch with (thats a lie but she was going to Tesco and i know i would have bought a Krispy Kreme so i stayed at work)

i decided to have some food from the canteen (big mistake!)
then i sat on the picnic benches in the far corner of the carpark. I was the only one there - it was cloudy but warm and dry.

i ended up taking 40 photos! ekkkk Only because i discovered some new settings on my camera!( you lot will all have these and know about them) but i is a novice!

one where it takes 3 photo of differnt exposure, one where it takes 1 photo a second for as long as the shutter is pressed. i'm pretty thrilled with these settings. more playing to come. i really need to down load the instruction guide.

i have an awful feeling the camera will die soon, i hope i haven't wished this on it! every time i switch it on i get a message saying the front screen is in disply mode, and it is it flashed up 1,2,3 then a scary clown appears and winks (thank god its on the front screen not the back!) i can't work out how i've done this or how to stop it!

i've started to upload my Tattot album to Face book - its slow going as it only want to load 3 pics at a time!

click here to see (i've set the album so everyone can view it)

my 1st link i wonder if it works

***EDIT*** it works! (at least i think it does)

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