
i stayed up far too late last night
plunkering the internet for photographs, video clips,
and interviews of my latest infatuation -- zoë lund.
mute avenger! rat collector.
heroin advocate.
she died miserably in paris 11 years ago
leaving behind a husband who even today
is still madly in love despite having
a clever hole bashed frontways
into his skull...

...once i did an interview with a neighbor, collector of
stuff -- images of irises, intricately carved
jade figurines, chinese medicine cabinets,
globes, red hats, needles, plates,
and wind chimes that while inside
perform nothing.

her kitchen has a spice and pepper theme.

the interview
was supposed to be about her experience growing up in the 50s
and 60s,
working for the CIA and having babies,
having daughters,
having divorces,
yet nearly all i could think about during this interview
was how many days out of the year
it must take her to
... dust.

a lot can be said about a person
by what they collect

and by what they're willing to show.


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