New Hampshire

We left Vermont, feeling quite sad at saying farewell to the cousins. Took their advice and headed for the New Hampshire coast which is about 3 hours drive away. We picked up a couple of Room Saver leflets at the stops on the highway which have discounted offers on accommodation - another useful tip! Got a bit lost in Portmouth NH but eventually found our target, the Port Inn and checked in for 2 nights. There was a business convention on so we got free drinks and a taste of food from the Chef's Table - the menu looked wonderful. Everyone was so friendly, considering that we'd 'gatecrashed' the event

First row:
Tiny froglet in Vermont.
Bee in Vermont.
Easy Rider - now retired with cruise control.

Second row:
No smoking pets? No pets with bare feet? Hmmm....
State Liquor Store - at Highway rest area. 1.75 litres of good tequila = $30!

Last row:
Sign for highway liquor store - and lottery tickets too!
Brett Henderson of the hef's Table, Portsmouth, NH

We like New Hampshire - definitely a state that takes its pleasure seriously.

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