The Quiet Plodder

By thequietplodder

Of friends

It had been some time since I had caught up with a couple of friends that I have known for near on 10 years now. Greg and Dylan, I met whilst undertaking some volunteering activity and over the course of the years we enjoyed many adventures, lots of laughter and more than a fair share of tears. Greg in particular helped me out of a few scrapes, quite unselfishly, and has been more than generous, much more than I could ever balance in return. Dylan also, he is rollicking good company, especially when we occasionally team up on Geocaching hunts and exceedingly kind and thoughtful. Also, it was because of Dylan's thoughtfulness (he did the driving and we went in his car) that I managed to have an opportunity to walk (it is an easy stroll) to Australia's highest mountain, Mount Kosciuszko a few years ago - a dream come true for me. The trip turned out to be a great highlight in my life and one of the most exhilarating few days I have enjoyed anywhere.

Due to a change in my circumstances, I have not been able to see these lads as often in the past. So, we caught up again today, enjoying a meal, (in one of my favourite suburban haunts, Yarraville). Some lively conversation took place, and then we undertook a rather absurd but funny look for Geocaches without a GPSr that included a 'tour' of some my photographic 'highlights' (some featured on blip) that I have visited over time. As always that easy, breezy, aspect of the friendship was renewed of which I am always delighted.

Around 9:30pm we found ourselves in the suburb of Williamstown, looking at the Westgate Bridge (which I featured in an earlier post) and hoping to see a Container Ship as it plied up the Yarra River to the Melbourne Docks area. Dylan recalled a Geocache tucked away in a Playground that we did not find on our last attempt a few months ago - it being 'hidden' under a see-saw in a very popular Skate Park. Figuring nobody would be at this time of the night we 'lunged' for the Cache, which was soon found. Mind you, it was under suburban darkness, lit by only some feeble street lights and I am sure our raucous behaviour, especially Greg's off-key singing (he sings for no reason but at Greg's age he can do what he likes), would have attracted the attention of the local Constabulary. Fortunately, they must have been tucked up in their warm beds on this wintry night. After finding the fist sized Cache we passed some Swings - these proved irresistible. Within a few steps we were on the Swings, laughing uproariously to the point we were in tears. It was if a bunch of blokes had rediscovered their childhood again. It had been ages since I had laughed to the point that my ribs hurt (in a happy way) and this reminded me again, it is a tonic in life to laugh, to do silly harmless things, for the world is serious enough for most of the time.

As we 'swung' I applied the first blip law: Always have your Camera handy. I fired off a fully auto flash shot and caught Greg defying the laws of aerodynamics. In this, we were grateful that 1/ He did not let go (would have been messy). 2/ His shoes stayed on and did not become missiles - we were also grateful his trousers, jacket and glasses stayed on as well, as these off would have been truly scary even in the dark. 3/ The Swing held up, though it creaked under the treatment and finally 4/ I did not drop my camera laughing so much.

It is the easy company of good friends that reminds one that interaction, be it as friends especially, and is one of the great aspects of being human. Such friends too are priceless.

So, this one's for Greg and Dylan. Two great blokes whose friendship I am grateful.

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