And Today's the Day the...

...Teddy Bears had their picnic.

Last night, a couple of girls from along the street came to the door with a writing pad and pen. They were inviting Bethany and Ewan to a Teddy Bear picnic at the grass circle at the corner of the street.

We headed along as instructed at 1255 for 1300 start with teddys and lunch. They were split up into two groups along with about 8 other kids from the street and the two organizers each took role calls, did "Hello my name is..." ice breakers, and played games before and after lunch. They played hide the teddy, throw the teddy in the air, tig, football, GooseGooseDuck and musical statues. At the end they then did wee closing speeches thanking them all for coming telling of their ups and downs in organising, the whole shebang.

It was fantastic and brill to see kids of such a young age take such initiative. They even took names of parents against each child in their notebooks and made sure they all stayed on the grass.

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