
By studioslipware

Local Shop For Local People

This window is on the other side of the shop door and here the window dresser outdoes herself with this stunning collection of lacquer and laundry cleaning products that quite frankly just draw you in off the street. It makes you want to throw all caution to the wind and blow your entire housekeeping budget on such well known products as PUNTO MATIC soap powder and SNONAS LACA which comes in brown tin cans that should contain Mr., Sheen furniture polish.

It is also a comfort to see that sanitary towels have found a place in this display for it is quite simply a display of all things feminine. And if you were in any doubt, those blunt ended play scissors that you really could run at a lick with at that time of the month are absolutely spot on.

The nail varnish leaves me quite speechless; I don't care how jaunty the display is, there is just not enough of it. The most expensice item in the window is bottle of Nina Ricci Premier Jour perfume placed obliquely on a plinth (old shoe box covered in manila paper) what was the dresser thinking about. Call it a hunch, call it intuition, call it whatever you like but I think someone spent all their time and patience on crafting the paper quill flowers and then got a bit bad tempered with the old shoe box display.

Can you have enough sequins and bugle beads in the home? Lets face it how many times have you run out of sequins and had to dash to the corner shop where you can buy everything your heart desires. These are essential feminine purchases and they go so well with COLOURED CHALK! I am not even going to mention the assorted mercerised cotton embroidery threads, please take a moment to remember yesterday's window on the other side of the door, what is it doing here, surely a bottle of bleach would have been more appropriate.

Best bit of the window is the reflection with awnings over the streets to counteract the pavement-melting temperatures, a glimpse of the world beyond.

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