Katie spent a lot of the early hours being sick, she'd swallowed a lot of amniotic fluid, it would seem. At 3 am, she'd been sick on the three sets of cot sheets I'd been given, so was on my bed, which she promptly sicked on as I was changing the crib! The other babies crying upset her. I decided two nights had been enough and that we were ready to be in our own house. She was feeding really well so at 2.30 we were picked up and went home. I climbed in the back of the small car to be sat next to her.

Katie didn't really do the sleepy newborn thing for long, the world had far too much that needed taking in, and she's been the same ever since - fascinated by watching what goes on around her. That's why I love this photo. She scratched her face but wouldn't wear the scratch mitts I'd insisted she'd need. She chewed her whole fist with one hand and played with her bib with the other. She spent most of her early days with a bib on, she clung to them in her sleep. And was also quite refluxy!

The afternoon was a little crazy with more madness and visitors than I had anticipated. She wasn't too happy with it. I took her upstairs about 7.30 and settled into what I wanted to be our routine, straight away. I washed her, read her very first bedtime story - Guess How Much I Love You - and fed her. Snuggled into her moses basket, I watched her some more as she slept.

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