Up North

By Carwij


bad day for R. Though physically he's getting better step by step he really had a bad day after hearing that the ventilator tube was not going to be removed today. I saw it in his face when I came to the hospital this morning. He looked tired and weary and wouldn't look me in the face all day. When I left at 15.00 hours he grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go. His daughter later told me that he wanted to get out of the bed (he cann't even hold a pencil so I guess he was being either over optimistic or véry, véry angry). Overloaded him with positive peptalk this evening and hope for a better day tomorrow. Heartrate ok, bloodpressure ok, temperature ok, valves ok, saturation (oxygen) ok, now thats good isn't it!

Oh btw, did I forget to mention that I've lost my job? On sickleave during probationtime to take care of a loved one was an insurmountable problem for my employer. Oh well, glad I took good notice when Nina54 wrote about not feeding the bad animal, thank you Nina! Taking good use of a bad situation, I now have all the time in the world to be there for him :-).

Though sometimes.......

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