
By soulsharer

New Entry...

Posted a blip earlier today of my neice Alex with two cows, I still had the girls at the time and rushed it a little.. Since got back from dropping Ashleigh & Alex off at home and have had time to take a look at my photos.. The one i blipped wasnt great, for some reason im getting my camera setting wrong at the moment..

So i decided to take this photo and play about with it.

This is Alex my neice, aged 9 i blipped her in my journal some time a go, infact it was the day after her dad had died.

Its been a difficult time for the pair of them and my sister but im so proud of them with how they've dealt with everything.. Ashleigh will be 18 on saturday and im sure its going to be a difficult day for her but she will get through it with us all there..

Its always a pleasure to have them for the day....

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