
By rainie

Old Timer

This morning at work, with my Blipper brain constantly ticking over, spied this car come into our parking area. Grabbed the camera & phone (I am a receptionist) & went out to photograph it.

The owner was standing beside it, actually that is him on the billboard in the top of the montage. He is the owner of the plumbing business beside the physiocentre, my workplace is the green building.

Not one for cars really, as long as they get me from A to B I'm pretty content, but this one took my eye & interest.

Its a 1947 Ford called Jail Bar - (apparantley only called JB's by kiwis, aussies and a handful of US owners because of the grill)

Gosh, amazing what I blip now, this has opened up a whole new world!!

Off out tonight to play with Photoshop with friends

Till tomorrow

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